Since Judy Tudy Kids Magic Show was sold out last year when she visited the Taphouse, she promised she would be back!
Judy Tudy Kids Magic Show on January 25 begins at noon with a kids lunch being served from noon to 1:00pm. Magic show to start promptly at 1:00pm. Seating is limited to 40 kids.
Advanced registration is required:
The cost is $10 per child for Founder's Club Members and $15 per child for non-Founder's Club Members which includes the kid lunch and a 50 minute magic show.
Lunch is served from 12-1pm for the included kid's meal.
Our full kitchen menu will be served from 12-8pm, but we ask that the kids be focused on the magic and not eating during the show.
Kids will be seated on the floor in front of Judy - School Assembly Style. Feel free to bring a blanket, towel, pillow, etc if wanted for your child to sit on. She asks that adult conversations are not had during the magic show so the children can focus on the magic.
You can view more information about the magic show by visiting: